
Jackie Evancho - Lovers - House of Flying Daggers - Shí Miàn Mái Fú

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by Guest, 12 years ago
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十面埋伏》主题曲《恋人》 Jackie Evancho: Dream With Me In Concert CD/DVD/BLU-RAY http://www.myplaydirect.com/jackie-evancho/details/25976717 Jackie Evancho on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jackie-evancho/id334346533 Official Jackie Evancho Site: http://www.jackieevancho.com/us/home A mystical song of Love Lost. Enchanting song from House of Flying Daggers (Shí Miàn Mái Fú) "Lovers" (Mei and Jin). Music score by Shigeru Umebayashi. Superb production of this exotic song from 'Dream With Me in Concert'. Sound recording (c) SME Lyric Translation, Encoding (c) TopShotUS

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